2012 KCA National Specialty Information

All events will be held in conjunction with the Carolina Cluster. The shows will be held at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex, 1921 W Lee Street, Greensboro, NC 27406.

Grooming space will be made available. There will also be several health clinics which will be announced at a later date.

August 15, 2012
Supported entry
Danville Kennel Club

August 16, 2012
Supported entry
Danville Kennel Club

August 17, 2012
SPECIALTY – judge – Jean Fournier
Puppy Sweepstakes – judge- Cathy Ruben
Greater Hickory Kennel Club

August 18, 2012
Supported entry
Carolina Kennel Club

August 19, 2012
Supported entry
Carolina Kennel Club

Host Hotel
Clarion Greensboro Airport Hotel
415 Swing Road
Greensboro, NC 27409
$79.99 with complimentary hot buffet Breakfast

Specialty Banquet will be held at the host hotel on Friday, August 17th.
Buffet dinner to include:

Garden salad with garnishes and a selection of dressings
Caesar salad with croutons and parmesan
Fresh fruit salad
Grilled chicken with marsala mushroom sauce
Sliced sirloin of beef with bordelaise sauce
Assorted dessert display

$35.00 per person. Reservations must be made by August 3, 2012

Please mail a check payable to KCA to:
Sherry Harman, 2828 Emblys Gap Road, Roseland, Va 22967

The general meeting will held before dinner at the banquet. Time to be announced.

Hospitality Suite
The hospitality suite will be at the host hotel. Debbie Miller and Jill Buckner are the co-chairs.

RV Information
RV’s can be parked at the Host Hotel at a rate of $40 per night. Hook ups are not available. RV parking is available at the show site with hook ups. A reservation form will be in the premium list, along with current rates.

Komondor Art Contest – Linda Patrick
The 21st annual KCA art contest is open to all KCA members. Entries will be accepted in the following categories: Painting & Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Fabric and Crafts and this year Miscellaneous. Sometimes we don’t have a category for an entry. Please have Komondor Theme. Entries will be exhibited during the banquet and voted on by those in attendance. Entries that are donated to the club for auction will be sold during the auction to benefit the KCA. You may designate how you want the proceeds to be used on the art entry form. Please bring your artwork to the Specialty along with the form or mail your entry to Linda Patrick, 4695 Peckins Road, Chelsea, MI, 48118.

Komondor Art Entry Form
Artist __________________________________________________________
Category entered __________________________________________________
Name of Artwork __________________________________________________
I donated this artwork to KCA         Yes _________   No __________
Please include postage if artwork is to be returned.
Proceeds to rescue __________
Proceeds to general funds ___________

Copy this form and include one form with each entry.

Auction – Sherry Harman
Please donate to the auction as this is the main way we support our specialties. Any item is welcome. If you would like to donate an item, you may send it to Sherry Harman, 2828 Emblys Gap Road, Roseland, Va 2296. You may mail your item to the host hotel, address is included with host hotel information, or bring your item with you to the Specialty. Items need to arrive by Saturday, August 11, 2012 and to the hotel by Thursday, August 16, 2012.

T’s & Sweats
These will be available in the hospitality suite along with other KCA items.

KCA Raffle – Susan Allred
The KCA holds a 50/50 raffle. 50% of the money collected goes to the KCA to help defray the cost of the Specialty. 50% goes to the winner of the raffle. Purchase tickets at the Specialty. We will also mail tickets to members or include them in the Komments to purchase. Please mail your tickets to Susan Allred, 125 Cranberry Hill Circle, Mauldin, SC 29262.

If you have additional questions, please contact:
Sherry Harman, 434 277-5016 or email koms@lynchburg.net

Please come and support your Specialty.